Review Committee
Homeowners making any landscape or structural changes to the exterior of their home should fill out an Architectural Improvement
Application and Review Form and submit it to VPM prior to beginning any project. Please make sure to include sketches or plans
and as much detail as possible. Homeowners needing ARC forms should contact VPM or go to the Meadowbrook website http://meadowbrook85741.tripod.
com. The ARC meets the 1st Tuesday of each month.
Quote of the month...
Live simply so that others may simply live.
Crime Report
During the past month, a woman who lives on Sunset reported that on Easter night her hood was stolen off her car. The vehicle
was sitting in the driveway and the window was smashed. Then the thieves popped the hood and took it off and left the car.
The incident was reported to the sheriff's department.
Remember if you see a crime in progress call 911 immediately. To report a non-emergency crime, please contact the Sheriff's
office at 741-4810. Following your report, please contact Patty at 293-5467 to include the crime in the next issue of the
Meadowbrook News. If you have an Animal control issue contact Animal Control at 743-7550.
Please remember to keep all valuables and vehicles secure and out of sight!! We don't want to tempt anyone.
Lost and Found
If you lost an item of value or a family pet, please
submit your announcement to the editor at by the 1st Thursday of each month.
Recipe Corner
"Krazy Kake"
2 tsp. Baking soda 1 tsp. salt
2 cups sugar 3 cups flour
1/2 cup cocoa 2 tsp. vinegar
1 tsp. Vanilla 2 cups water
3/4 cup oil
Preheat oven to 350. Mix DRY ingredients together
in 8x8 baking pan. Smooth out the dry ingredients.
Using a spoon or cup bottom make three large
holes in dry mix. In 1 hole pour vanilla, next vinegar,
then oil and last pour water over entire mix.
Stir with a fork until thoroughly mixed.
Bake at 350 for 35-40 mins.
Cool and top with powdered sugar or frosting
If you have a recipe you would like to share with our readers, please submit your favorite recipe
Web Bytes
This is a new section for the newsletter which will feature websites you can use, including: family sites, children's sites
and other family or household related resources. If you have a site you would like to recommend for the newsletter please
send it to before the 5th of each month! Thank you and enjoy!
Sites of the month:
Grateful baby gifts - This site features baby shower gift ideas, recipes and other useful tips for parents
Supporting Our Sons This site features various resources to help raise a successful and confident son, as well as daughters. So get cruising!!
Meadowbrook Pool Rules
Meadowbrook Pool Rules
Real Estate
Selling, buying, or renting? Call William Ferguson, of Ferguson's Realty & Management, providing "Golden Rule Service" since
1980 and 13 yr. Meadowbrook Resident. Ask about my free Home Warranty. 465-0266/293-3240
If you have items of use or value to give away, please submit your ad monthly
Meadowbrook stay at home mom's welcome to meet for adult conversation, support, playgroups and companionship; Go to NW Tucson SAHM for more info and to sign up for FREE.
If you have an event or other announcement please submit it monthly.
Household Helpers
If you have services to offer, please submit your ad monthly!
For Sale
If you have items to sale, please submit your ad monthly!
To place an ad, just send or e-mail your name, phone number, lot number and ad information by the FIRST Thursday of each month
Vision Property Management
Old Adobe Office Park
326 S Wilmot #B100
Tucson, AZ 85711 or
Please indicate if you would not like your ad included with the online version. You must resubmit your ad each month. The
Meadowbrook Community Association accepts no responsibility for items purchased or services rendered through these ads, or
for any ideas or suggestions printed in any part of this publication. Ads may be refused if inappropriate or wording reduced
if needed.