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Neighborhood Watch
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(Unofficial site of) Meadowbrook Homeowners

Neighborhood Watch

Duties and Responsibilities:

Neighborhood Coordinator

· Coordinates activities of Block Captains and Block Watchers participating in program.
· Recruits neighborhood residents into the program
· Acts as a liaison with the police or sheriffs department and disseminates information communicated to them which may lead to the solution of a crime.

Block Captain

· Hosts a Neighborhood Watch meeting

· Personally visits each home in his/her block, announcing the meeting and encouraging neighbors to participate

· Acts as a base station for Operation Identification. In this manner, neighbors can pick up Operation Identification materials from their Block Captain in order to participate in the program. The goal of 100% participation is essential in order to achieve the program objectives. The Block Captain is encouraged to personally contact those neighbors who have not participated in the program.

· Acts as a liaison with the law enforcement department and disseminates any information communicated to them which may lead to the solution of a crime.

· Distributes Crime Prevention materials to those residents who were unable to attend meetings.

· Cooperates and assists Neighborhood Coordinator.

Block Watcher

· Acts as eyes and ears for their neighbors and reports any suspicious activity
· Studies crime prevention materials furnished to them
· Checks neighbors homes when they are out-of-town
· Cooperates and assists the Block Captain
· Participates in Operation Identification

Neighborhood Safety Tips

1. Set up a Neighborhood Watch or a community patrol, working with police. Make sure your streets and homes are well-lighted.

2. Make sure that all the youth in the neighborhood have positive ways to spend their spare time, through organized recreation, tutoring programs, part-time work, and volunteer opportunities.

3. Build a partnership with police, focused on solving problems instead of reacting to crises. Make it possible for neighbors to report suspicious activity or crimes without fear of retaliation.

4. Take advantage of safety in numbers to hold rallies, marches, and other group activities to show you're determined to drive out crime and drugs.

5. Clean up the neighborhood! Involve everyone: teens, children, senior citizens. Graffiti, litter, abandoned cars, and run-down buildings tell criminals that you don't care about where you live or each other. Call the public works department and ask for help in cleaning up.

6. Ask local officials to use new ways to get criminals out of your building or neighborhood. These include enforcing anti-noise laws, housing codes, health and fire codes, anti-nuisance laws, and drug-free clauses in rental leases.

7. Work with schools to establish drug-free zones. Work with recreation officials to do the same for parks.

8. Develop and share a phone list of local organizations that can provide counseling, job training, guidance, and other services that can help neighbors.

Please contact VPM for further information and a window sign, if you're interested in getting involved.   I will get more information on here as it becomes available.